Remember the saying “Live To Ride, Ride To Eat”? That in itself should explain everything, however, it’s a little deeper than that.
Having a background in the culinary arts, I have always had a passion for cooking, but after several years in commercial kitchens, I thought I was through. HA !!
I have always been a believer in Tom Peters’s motivational talks on being “just a little better than the other guy and you can have the lion’s share of the business”. It has proven itself to be true all my professional career.
Frustrated with our neighborhood burger place, due to inconsistent hours, slow service, high prices, and overall lack of customer awareness, I decided to do it myself. It took two years of internal arguments with myself and locating an affordable food service vehicle. Once I found the vehicle it took months of waiting for it to be built. {That’s another story}
The business model was prewritten for us in order to accommodate our existing business clientele. Based on them the words “Biker Food at Biker Prices” helped shape the menu and our dedication to quality, speed, and affordable prices.
As the food business evolves so will the menu and service hours. We hope to be able to serve the community as well as our regular customer base. Integrating food, with our beer and wine garden has been a win, win success.
What’s next? Who knows?